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My life has been filled with many trials- and they have all brought me to this point. It was truly in loosing everything that I found my life in Him. I found what I was made to do, and I love it. I have come to realize what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I put my heart and soul into everything I do. I have 2 pugs- they are the best! And 11 very cool tattoos, with plans to get more. I love to travel. I love College football, its my favorite time of year! I am truly the most at peace when I'm in the kitchen creating the next great master piece.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010


4 tier champagne cake with french vanilla butter cream filling and fondant
3 tier champagne cake with butter cream filling and fondant applique's with sugar roses


4 tier hexagone Red velvet with Cream cheese frosting

4 tier square vanilla with buttercream

2 tier square marble cake with fondant and chocolate dipped strawberries

3 tier white cake with vanilla buttercream filling and fondant

2 tier vanilla with butter cream and fondant, gumpaste flowers

10" round champagne cake with buttercream
8"round with buttercream and fondant and fondant sculptures

2 tier almond cake with butter cream

2 tier vanilla with buttercream filling and fondant


Saturday, July 24, 2010

You know a Dream is like a River

There is a great Garth Brooks song-

"The River"

You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you
And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores
And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Too many times we stand aside
And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
It has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance that tide
There's bound to be rough waters
And I know I'll tke some falls
With the good Lord as my captain
I can make it through them all

Almost 4 years ago, my life changed. Everything I thought matter was gone in an instant, and I found myself searching for what I was made to do. I was rebuilding my life after some cosmic tragedies. I had an office job, which although I excelled at, I was completely and utterly miserable in. I felt like I wanted to go back to school and pursue my dreams, and so I did.
I started the pastry program in the Dallas Community College system, and I loved it. The more I learned the more I realized, this was my dream.
Ever since I was a child, I loved cooking and baking for others. The satisfaction of a day of laboring in the kitchen to see the smiles on peoples faces was well worth the sweat and exhaustion that went into making the goodies. The more I worked at school, the more I dreaded getting up for my office job, and so, I decided to get in the boat, and step out of corporate America, and into the kitchen.
Let's just say there has been many rough waters, and I've taken some great falls, but as the song says "with the good Lord as my Captain", I have made it through them all.
In December of this year, I will be graduating with my Associates in Baking and Pastries. With a 4.0 GPA and high honors. And that's where the river forks.

I have a dream of owning my own bakery- I've found one. It's beautiful, and nestled in the heart of a small town north of Dallas. Directly out of the front door, in the middle of the road, is the well on which the city is built. I believe in my heart, the prophecy which I was given almost 10 years ago, about being a restorer of ancient wells, is going to come true. Although I know it will take some large MIRACLES. But I never want to look back and say, I should not have taken that chance.
So, I ask you to hope with me, to dream with me, and to stand with me in this journey if you dare. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "The future Belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Sweet Dreams


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Scrapping elementos: Deliciouscraps©